API Endpoints

Promotion codes are how you can make your coupon discounts available to your customers.

Promotion codes are a customer-redeemable code for a coupon.

The promotionCode object makes it convenient to issue codes for your customers to be able to use your coupons and get discounts. They can be used to create multiple codes for a single coupon.

The promotion code object

Let's take a look at a full promotionCode object:

  "id": "promotionCode_1641f4a72e864d9caf0cedc66bbdcaaf",
  "code": "TAKE50",
  "active": true,
  "coupon": "coupon_0744fb224cc54e14b496511b941f916b",
  "customer": "customer_adda9b08993a40dcb9251eb6b0bad739",
  "expiresAt": "2024-05-12T23:59:59.000Z",
  "maxRedemptions": 5,
  "timesRedeemed": "paymentLink_c302781a01744287b4583f9951ccb26b",
  "updated": "2021-08-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "created": "2021-08-01T00:00:00.000Z"

id: string Unique identifier for the object. Auto-generated by Sphere upon creation.

code: string The code that your customers will use at checkout.

active: boolean Denotes whether the promotion code will successfully apply at checkout.

coupon: string The id of the coupon object that this promotion code is tied to.

customer: string The id of the customer object that this promotion code can be used by.

  • Useful if you would like to limit usage of the promotion code to a specific customer.

expiresAt: string datetime for when the promotion code will no longer be usable.

  • Once the promotion code has expired, its active field will be set to false.

maxRedemptions: number Defines the number of times that this promotion can be used.

timesRedeemed: number Identifies the number of times that this promotion code has been used.

updated: string datetime for when the promotion code was last updated.

created:string datetime for when the promotion code was created.

Now that we've examined the promotionCode object in full, the next step is to create a promotion code!

If you would like to learn more check out the coupon tutorialor no-code coupon setup.